Monday, March 15, 2010

Start of The Gardening Season

Another rainy day here in the northeast. Rained here for the last three day and the garden is soaked, a muddy mess, but there is hope it sight with the rain ending today and temperatures going up to around 60 by the end of the week.

The end of last week I had time to plant more strawberries and get my first planting of peas in. I am hoping to get another planting of peas and spinach in this week. It wont be long now before the garden season is fully here in New England.

I did a lot of changes to my garden layout this year, so I have to do some major soil testing and the adding of amendments to improve the soil. This week with the sign of good weather will give me the time I need to get this all done.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

It Looks Like Spring

The weather is finally changing for the better and it is looking more like spring here everyday. The temperatures are in the mid to high 40's during the day now. Once the ground thaws, hopefully within the next week, it will be time to get back out in the garden to start planting peas, spinach, lettuce and potatoes. I also prepared an area in the fall to start a new crop of strawberries.

This year I hope to do a lot more with perennial flower gardens. I have a few small gardens that can use a lot of improving. I think it is time to expand away from mainly vegetable gardening. I would like to create a few areas to attract more of the wildlife in the area, birds, butterflies, etc. My yard is already a natural playground for wild turkeys and deer.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fall Garden Maintenance is Important For Early Spring Planting

Once your summer gardening has ended, there is plenty of work that is still needed to be done if you want to get your early crops in the spring planted as soon as the weather permits. With a little planning and preparation it will greatly benefit your organic garden.

Now is the time to create a plan for what you want to grow next year. It doesn't needed to be an elaborate plan, just a simple list with dates that you needed to plant certain crops and a layout for there designated location. This is very important when wanting to include companion planting into your gardening practices.

Clean all debris from the garden so that pests wont have a place to harbor through the winter months is a major part or organic pest control. There are many pests that can harm your garden and survive the winter months with the shelter that spent plants and other garden debris will provide.

Fall is a great time to test your gardens soil and to improve it's structure. Organic soil amendments need time to breakdown to provide the benefits your gardens soil needs to create the healthy growing conditions for your plants to thrive.

Preparing your organic garden in the fall has many rewarding benefits. It gives you the ability to extend the length of your growing season. Being able to start your garden earlier in the spring also allows your plants to get established, grow strong and healthy early in the season before there are any dangers of pests or diseases.