Saturday, August 22, 2009

Fall Garden Maintenance is Important For Early Spring Planting

Once your summer gardening has ended, there is plenty of work that is still needed to be done if you want to get your early crops in the spring planted as soon as the weather permits. With a little planning and preparation it will greatly benefit your organic garden.

Now is the time to create a plan for what you want to grow next year. It doesn't needed to be an elaborate plan, just a simple list with dates that you needed to plant certain crops and a layout for there designated location. This is very important when wanting to include companion planting into your gardening practices.

Clean all debris from the garden so that pests wont have a place to harbor through the winter months is a major part or organic pest control. There are many pests that can harm your garden and survive the winter months with the shelter that spent plants and other garden debris will provide.

Fall is a great time to test your gardens soil and to improve it's structure. Organic soil amendments need time to breakdown to provide the benefits your gardens soil needs to create the healthy growing conditions for your plants to thrive.

Preparing your organic garden in the fall has many rewarding benefits. It gives you the ability to extend the length of your growing season. Being able to start your garden earlier in the spring also allows your plants to get established, grow strong and healthy early in the season before there are any dangers of pests or diseases.