Friday, July 17, 2009

Vegetable Gardening Through The Cool Months

Now that the rush of the spring planting is over, the summer months are here and your crops are fully established, waiting to be harvested is the next exciting part of having an organic garden. It all goes by so quick and before you know fall will be here and you just can't believe the gardening season is going to be ending soon. There are crops that do very well in the cooler times of the year and you can keep your garden going with a second crop before it completely ends, this is the time to start getting these crops planted.

Carrots, lettuce, peas and spinach are all crops that do great in the cooler months of the year. Any crop that you enjoy and plant in your garden early spring are the crops you want to get planted for a fall harvest. The benefits of taller crops that are established in your garden are a great benefit to these cool weather crops, they supply the shade they need to keep them cool and allow them to get established in the warmer months. This is also a great time of the year to experiment for yourself and see what will do good in your garden.

To get the most of your gardening season, you can even use row covering to protect the crops you want to harvest during the times when a early frost can be expected. It is getting to that time of year where planning should be getting some thought on how long you want to keep your garden growing. Waiting to the last minute can cause you to loose the crops you but all that hard work into growing.